Bethany Plaza

CEO, Innovatio Tech

Team leader, mentor, strategist, entrepreneur. Bethany Plaza draws from over 28 years of experience in the Technology industry, as a founder of five companies and current owner of two.

As the founder of Innovatio Tech, she’s continually engineering and tailoring solutions for IT executives. Those who are serious about finding the right talent, skills, and culture fit for their projects perpetually rely on her skill set.

Bethany’s associates, employees, clients, and mentors have referred to her as a kind and humble thought leader. She’s proven herself as a consummate technology professional, reliable communicator, and leadership asset to tech businesses worldwide.

Bethany’s proven herself to be an absolute master of team dynamics. Enduring the fissuring effects of domestic abuse in her home is what provoked her to devote herself to mastering healthy family and team dynamics.

She also draws upon these experiences professionally, to encourage leaders in her organization. This helps to cultivate integrated systems that move the needle in her clients’ businesses worldwide.

As a veteran business owner, entrepreneur, leader of leaders, and fractional CEO for a manufacturing and robotics company… Bethany demonstrates malleability in bespoke technology solutions for IT executives.

Through her executive coaching services, consulting, and leadership at Innovatio Tech, she consistently streamlines and improves her client’s business and technology systems – so they can launch software, AI, and ML solutions that make a difference!

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